List of Publications and Events

New England SCBWI’s in-person conference at UConn Stamford includes craft sessions, peer-critiques, a pitch party, and critique sessions with agents!
Webinar: Working Collaboratively!
January 22, 2025 12:30pm EST
I’ve been invited to speak at a FREE event, along with several other Kids Comics Studio members working on the upcoming Anthology. Our topic: effective ways to build productive, inspiring, working partnerships. I’ll be sharing my experience as an author working collaboratively with illustrators from concept through publication! We hope you’ll join us on Wednesday, January 22nd at Kids Comics Unite.
During this session we’ll cover such things as —
Finding an artist collaborator if you're a writer, and vice versa
Working with editors
Collaboration agreements
What it's like working with a team at a traditional publisher
How to assemble your own team when you're self-publishing
How to organize your own anthology
Speakers will include Patrick Lugo, David Quinn , Marie Ventura (pen name: Rowena Zahnrei) , Sarah Steinberg , Johnell DeWitt , Cesar Lador , and Janna Morishima .
Special Feature: National Bake Cookies Day Recipe!
December 18, 2024
To celebrate National Bake Cookies Day (December 18), the Kids Comics Studio Anthology team is featuring one of my original recipes from my story The ABC Bakers: Pooka Mischief!
Ace Baxter’s Cherry Chocolate Chunk Cookies!
Click here find the recipe as a downloadable PDF file.
Enjoy! :)
Event: 12th Annual Rhode Island Author Expo!
Saturday December 7, 2024 10am - 4pm
The Adventures of Nicki and Ricky: Baffling Birds! has a table at the 12th Annual Rhode Island Author Expo! Organized by the Association of Rhode Island Authors (ARIA), this Expo offers book signings and panel discussions.
Event: Neurodiversity Comic Con, NYC!
November 9, 2024
My Nicki and Ricky books were featured at the Gillen Brewer School’s First Neurodiversity Comic Con: a unique celebration where the world of comics and children's books showcased neurodiverse characters, authors, and artists.
Event: Local Author Showcase and Book Signing!
October 15, 2024 6:30 - 7:30pm
My Nicki and Ricky books were featured at the Warwick Public Library’s Local Author Showcase! :)
August 25, 2024 1-3pm
Bank Square Books in Mystic, CT presents a weekend book signing with Rowena Zahnrei for the book The Adventures of Nicki and Ricky Volume 1: Baffling Birds on Sunday, August 25th from 1 to 3 PM.
We sold nearly twenty copies in under two hours! Thank you! :D
July 25-28, 2024
The Adventures of Nicki and Ricky: Baffling Birds! has been accepted to San Diego Comic-Con International this July, and so have we! :D Thanks so much to all our Crowdfundr supporters for helping us meet this incredible stretch goal!

WINNER! Writing Contest: 2024 Kids’ Choice KidLit Writing Contest
January 29, 2024
A writing contest judged by kids! I’m entering my 500 word MG story: “Just A Wish”
Update, March 19, 2024: My story WON 2nd Place! :D
Publication! The Adventures of Nicki and Ricky: Baffling Birds! - Comics for Young Naturalists
December 5, 2023
We did it! Our Crowdfundr campaign raised 350% of our initial funding goal, allowing us to produce our Nicki and Ricky nature comic trilogy as e-books, paperbacks, and even in hardcover format! We’ll also be making our Nicki and Ricky Science Workbook available in both electronic and paperback format.
Our books are now available to order on Amazon! Check them out here! :D
Event: DVPit Discord Pitch Event
October 11, 2023
An annual pitch event for for un-agented, self-identifying historically marginalized authors & illustrators.
Event: KCU Pitchfest!
October 10 - November 4, 2023
The second annual competition and gallery for for kids’ and YA graphic novel pitches. Hosted by Kids Comics Unite!
Event: KidLitGN and YA GN Pitch Event
October 4-6, 2023
KidLitGN’s annual pitch event for writers and illustrators of graphic novels for kids!
Writing About Mental Health in Fiction For Young Readers with Nancy Bo Flood & Ann Jacobus
August 20, 2023
A Writing Barn online class about the importance of mental health and how pivotal it is to properly represent it in fiction for young readers.
Event: Storycomic Podcast!
August 10, 2023
Illustrator Sarah E Steinberg and I get interviewed by Barney Smith of Storycomic.com about our Nicki and Ricky comic trilogy and the successful Crowdfundr campaign that made it possible for us to publish and print our books!

Event: Kids and YA Content Creators Spotlight
(Kids Comics Unite)
July 6 - August 7, 2023
Illustrator Sarah E Steinberg and I will be participating in the big Kids and YA Content Creators Spotlight Campaign on Crowdfundr this summer, where you can help us make our Nicki and Ricky graphic novels a reality!
Sibling sleuths Nicki and Ricky Goddard are on a mission to solve nature’s puzzles, finding clues in the wilds of their own suburban neighborhood. Nicki likes to speculate, Ricky would rather investigate. These siblings don’t have the same attitude but, if they keep their eyes open, they’ll find there’s a mystery, and likely a solution, everywhere they look. Join them in three 42-page graphic novels for early readers by supporting our Crowdfundr campaign this summer!
Become part of Nicki and Ricky’s Summer Science Investigators’ Society! Click Here to learn more, and get a summer’s worth of FREE, FUN comic templates that’ll get your kids outside looking at nature as a series of mysteries to be solved. Week by week, they’ll learn the basics of story structure and the Scientific Method, ending up with a whole comic they wrote and illustrated themselves!
Zooming In: The First Ten Pages… Zooming Out: Revision - NESCBWI In-Person Workshop
July 19, 2023 at Safe Harbor Pilots Point Marina Clubhouse, Westbrook, Connecticut
An all-day workshop guided by MG authors Jeanne Zulick Ferruolo and Kimberly Behre Kenna delving into techniques to hone an effective hook, establish multi-faceted characters with goals and stakes, and map out a revision plan to launch a story to the next level.
Publication! Comics from the Kitchen!
Launches in June, 2023
An anthology featuring stories and recipes from around the world!
My story (and original recipe): Birthday Cake When It’s Too Hot To Bake, illustrated by Sarah E Steinberg
UPDATE: Comics From The Kitchen! is now LIVE! Grab a printed or digital copy today!
KCU Workshop: Crowdfunding Crucible
May 25-June 29, 2023
A six-week virtual course led by Patrick Lugo navigating the processes of building, not only a crowdfunding campaign, but also a targeted audience and a wider social network.
From Pencil or Paint to Pixel: A Two-Night Mini for Beginning Illustrators
June 6 and 8, 2023
A two-night virtual course led by Courtney Pippin-Mathur and special guest Aram Kim delving into various media types and techniques, problem solving strategies, and personal style/branding.
NESCBWI 2023 Spring Virtual Agent Editor Day
June 4, 2023
I won the lottery - that is, an opportunity to share and get feedback on the first five pages of my MG GN manuscript HARPO’s VOICE at New England SCBWI’s Agent Editor Day!
RISD Course: Comic Book Illustration, Introduction
February 27 - April 9, 2023
A continuing education course offered by the Rhode Island School of Design focused on the elements of constructing both the visual and written language of comics (and web comics). Class projects include four-panel comic strips and more complex, long-form pieces, and the fundamental building blocks of comics— panel shape, page layout, dialogue and sound effects—are explored as exercises.

WINNER! Writing Contest: 2023 Kids’ Choice KidLit Writing Contest
January 26, 2023
A writing contest judged by kids! I entered a 200 word MG story: “Earth Schools are Easy”
Update, March 16, 2023: My story WON 2nd Place! :D
Event: KCU Pitchfest!
January Update: The Kids Comics Pitchfest Showcase is now Live! Click here to check it out! :)
December 3, 2022
A competition and gallery for for kids’ and YA graphic novel pitches hosted by Kids Comics Unite!
My entry: Harpo’s Voice
Publication! The Day No One Died
December, 2022
My short story, “The Day No One Died” has been published! It’s in The Gallifrey Guardian: The Newsletter of the Guardians of Gallifrey, December 22, Issue #403, Vol. 33, Issue 6.
If you’d like to know more about the Guardians of Gallifrey fan group or even become a member, check out their website!
Event: KidLitGN Pitch Event
October 5, 2022
KidLitGN’s annual pitch event for writers and illustrators of middle grade and younger graphic novels.
My entries: The ABC Bakers: Phouka Mischief!; Harpo’s Voice; and The Adventures of Nicki and Ricky: Baffling Birds!
Conference: Graphic Novel 101
June 25, 2022
Indiana SCBWI’s second virtual graphic novel conference!
Master Class: Kids Comics Intensive - Craft
March 1 - May 5, 2022
A step-by-step journey of weekly lessons, coaching calls, and peer group meetings guided by Rivkah LaFille. This intensive course goes through the process of crafting a gripping opening scene for a graphic novel from idea to outline, script to thumbnails, layout to finished pages - all leading up to a live critique session with an agent and editor! My project? The ABCs of Baking: Phouka Mischief!
Publication! Planet of the Chipmunks
March - April, 2022
My short story, “Planet of the Chipmunks” has been published! It’s spread over two issues of The Gallifrey Guardian: The Newsletter of the Guardians of Gallifrey.
Part I: The Bet is featured in Volume 32, Issue 9
Part II: Planet of the Chipmunks is featured in Volume 32, Issue 10
If you’d like to know more about the Guardians of Gallifrey fan group or even become a member, check out their website!
Publication! Honks, Whistles and Harp: The Transnational Sound of Harpo Marx
April, 2021
My article, “Honks, Whistles and Harp: The Transnational Sound of Harpo Marx,” has been published! You can find it in “Unheard Possibilities: Reappraising Classical Film Music Scoring and Analysis,” Issue 22 of the multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal Miranda. It’s a special edition issue collecting articles stemming from a three-day conference held in Nijmegen, the oldest town in the Netherlands - “Music and Movies: National and Transnational Perspectives.” You can read it here!
Honk, Honk!
Podcast: RetroFanfic Retrospective
March 29, 2021
RetroFanfic Retrospective made a podcast about my X-Men story The Day The Earth Stood Back! This story has a lot of personal meaning for me because it’s the first novel-length story I ever completed. Starring the Incredible Nightcrawler, it features time travel, Otherworld, and aliens and introduces my original alternate universe: Earth 723. It’s their Episode 110, on PodBean. You can check it out here!
RetroFanfic Retrospective also made a podcast about my story Brainy's Glasses! It's their Episode 48, on PodBean. You can check it out here!
Conference: Turning Writing and Illustrator Ideas into Graphic Novels
January 16, 2021
An online conference presented by SCBWI Indiana dedicated to learning more about writing and publishing graphic novels in today’s market.
There are no upcoming events at this time.